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Session Times Now Available - Individual, Couples or Family Sessions 


What We Do

The Seamless Blend provide a range of support services to help navigate the complexities faced by blended families and single parents.  Our programs aim to enhance family experiences and to help minimise conflict.  


Our services are a great option for those looking for an alternative or addition, to marriage counselling or mediation because at The Seamless Blend we focus on finding family inclusive solutions to blended family or single parenting realities.  Our team are professionals all have family therapy experience, but most importantly, they all have experience of being single parents and blending their own families.

Our Services

Family Services

We work from The Seamless Blend Framework which is designed to meet the needs across the entire spectrum of complexity- from early identification of relationship tension to highly complex need. 


Our strengths based approach, and our focus on self-care for every family member, means you always feel supported, and lead solutions that work for you.  


Our range of Professional Services is a natural fit for The Seamless Blend,  an organisation that values people, learning and relationships.  Organisational Support packages, Workforce Training Packages and Employee Assistance Programs are offered to a wide range of corporate organisations, government, schools, health, and Not-for-Profit here

Families or individuals looking for support, The Seamless Blend can support you three main services:

Anchor 1
Small Group
Seminars with Expert Guest Speakers

Next Steps...

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Angelika Broederlow 
Founding Director

Family Therapy by The Seamless Blend

Partner with us

The Seamless Blend values people, relationships and learning so its only natural that we work in, and with your workplaces to support your Teams and your clients for the best outcomes possible.  

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How The Seamless Blend can support your clients, workforce or organisation

The Seamless Blend can work in collaboration with your organisation to achieve improved outcomes for your clients and/or business. The Seamless Blend can work alongside Management to co-design innovative programs to meet the needs of clients in alignment to State and Federal Government Reforms. These might include Family Violence, Mental Health, Family Law Reforms. Our team will also work with your teams to co-write tenders or submissions as required.

Professional Services
Parenting Support In Australia

Professional Services

Our range of professional services will enhance your welfare and teaching staff’s practice when working with blended families and single parent families.  
Our Professional Services include: Workforce Training on ‘Complex Families - how to best work with blended families/single parents’.  We also offer, Employee Support Programs (EAP) Packages, Innovative partnership that benefit your school community, and Interactive Seminars featuring  a Family Lawyer Guest Speaker to support you and your team better understand and respond to the complex needs of the complex families you work with everyday.

Professional conference table

What We Offer

Local Council, Government, Not for Profit and Community Agencies
State, Catholic and Independent Primary and Secondary Schools
Health Services
Family Law Practices

The Seamless Blend -
Your Organisation’s Partner

Blended families make up a huge population within our communities and workplaces. The 2021 Australian Census revealed that 16,146 marriages that registered were remarriages. Critically this figure does not consider de facto or non-traditional relationships increasing the number immeasurably. Blended family complexities impact your workplaces silently every day. The Seamless Blend can be your partner to support your staff. Your organisation can increase wellbeing, self-care and workplace productivity, through our 4-hour Seamless Blend Corporate Support Packages. In return your staff will gain tools to better manage their complex blended family needs and achieve a greater work life balance.


For teams working directly with families, we can provide specialist training to support working with complex blended families. Our Blended Family Professional Development Package provides upskilling in the multilayered challenges, interwoven relationship dynamics and specialist strategies to manage the emotively driven power battles that are often at play. This is particularly helpful to workforces supporting families interfacing family violence, integrated family support, out of home care and child protection.

Collaborating to Support Blended Families

At The Seamless Blend, we value collaboration and believe that by working together, we can achieve great outcomes for your clients and workforce. Our purpose is to support blended families and single parents as they search for sustainable, values aligned solutions for complex family needs.


​As an organisational partner, this translates to us providing our resources, experience and expertise to your workforce of talented professionals, to deliver the most comprehensive and effective service to your clients.


​As a client service partner, we have a suite of services that allow us to work in co-ordination or separately to your team, enabling the focus to remain on your priority areas through your client engagement. As a workforce partner we offer suite of work related family support services that strengthens culture, enhances wellbeing and increases understanding across all workplaces.


The Seamless Blend is dedicated to building strong and lasting relationships with our partners. We work to understand your workplace values and ethos, and work to improve the lives of families across communities everywhere.

Family Therapy by The Seamless Blend
Parenting Support In Australia

Book a meeting with us

Angelika Broederlow director of the Seamless Blend

Angelika Broederlow 
Founding Director

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